Egyéb cím(ek): [CLERGET 9Z ENGINE CONSTRUCTION] [Allocated]
Év: 1917
Játékidő: 16 mins
Leírás: The film shows in some detail, by means of stop action, the various stages in assembling the rotary engine. It starts (about half-way through) with the assembly of the rear drum and crankshaft, and continues with the pistons and cylinders, making the complete nine-cylinder engine.
Incomplete instructional film on the assembly of the Clergêt 9Z Type aeroplane engine, about 1917.
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I / equipment, French air - propulsion: Clerget 9Z Type engine / Instruction
Szolgáltató: Imperial War Museums
Jogok: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Szín: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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